Cep Antonio De Ulloa - Spain

CEP Antonio de Ulloa is located in Cartagena (Murcia), Spain. There are six levels of primary education with 50 students in each level. Our school follows the CLIL methodology and the English teachers teach English language, Natural Sciences, Arts and English projects. The number of teachers is 22 and there are 300 students. There is a 6.2 percent of our students which comes form other countries. Some of our students come form Mexico, El Savador, Ukraine, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Romania and Morocco. Our motivation to join this project is that by sharing our cultural experiences and our heritage with other European schools and using the English language to communicate we can raise cultural awareness among our students. Acceptance of cultural diversity and inclusion of student minorities will be achieved. Our learners will also improve their language and communication skills. Furthermore, we expect to improve our knowledge of other cultures and learn other types of methodology and good practices. This project could motivate our students to learn the English language, by using it with a real purpose. The key people in charge of running the project in the school will be the English teachers, Ms Silvia Garnés Padilla and Ms Esperanza Morcillo Villa. The music teacher, Ms Ma Villalba Madrid, the PE teacher, Ms Nuria Rubio Rosique, the headteacher, Ms Padilla Alvarez, and most of the teachers in our school will help to carry out the activities proposed in our Erasmus Plus project. Ms Ma Angeles Gonzales Fernades and Ms Ma Villalba Madrid will replace the two contact persons in case of withdrawal. We are a bilingual school and we can contribute to the implementation and success of this project through our CLIL methodology, the use of new technologies and sharing the Spanish culture, traditions and heritage. We have got experience in e-Twinning projects and we can share our knowledge and expertise on that too.



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