The two classes of the 5th grade students of the 10th Primary School of Elefsina narrate their own stories about the Christmas and New Year’s Customs in the Greek villages. Through their narrations varied Greek holiday traditions are described. Before starting writing the students of the classes with the help of their English teacher, Ms Constantina Voitsiou, brainstormed ideas through visual prompts seen here . Then they created two types of stories: The augmented reality stories: For these type of stories, an augmented reality app called "Metaverse" was used by the students in order to offer a unique experience to their readers and capture their attention During the process, the students were divided into groups of four, they wrote down their stories, searched images on the web,recorded their voices and created a digital version of their story with an embedded metaverse QR code. While using the app and after scanning the QR code, the readers can watch a 3D an avatar of t...